Snowmageddon seems like a melodramatic term to characterize a storm, but we hear a great deal of this sort of thing on the news. As we gear up for yet another winter, it is important to think [...]
Once the turkey has been eaten, the children have all left to play and the rest of the family is watching football, you look out across a table of heaping left overs. You think to yourself, [...]
Spreading thanks at The Village of Bedford Walk During Thanksgiving at The Village of Bedford Walk, we invite members of our retirement community to share with us what they are thankful for. We [...]
Columbia has a symphony. Yes, I will say it again. Columbia, Missouri has a symphony and they are dedicated to enhancing and increasing the cultural awareness of classical music in the [...]
Begin the holiday season with a musical extravaganza! Everyone knows about Santa Claus, but few are familiar with the legend of St. Nicolas–the original Santa Claus. Composer Benjamin Britten [...]
Crazy things happen to ordinary people, every day. But this is particularly true of the holidays. Some of life’s greatest and worst moments play out after the turkey is served and pie is cut. I [...]
According to the National Institute on Aging arthritis is a common and usually chronic disease. Generally speaking there are many different forms of arthritis with Osteoarthritis (OA) being the [...]
It is hard to believe, but I actually have started my holiday shopping. Usually, I put off this dreaded task for after Thanksgiving. However, this year, thanks to The Village of Bedford Walk [...]
The Village of Bedford Walk is proud to announce The Village of Bedford Walk Holiday Festival’s Friday Night Event; Making the Holidays Magic with McAdams. Join us and McAdam’s Ltd. for an [...]
Pie makes people happy. Of course, cake does too, but there is just something so beautiful about a pie. Flaky homemade crusts and delicious fruits and chocolates that melt in your mouth bring a [...]