The Village of Bedford Walk Love Stories
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we asked some of the amazing residents at The Village of Bedford Walk to share their love stories with us.
Ron and Shirley Reeves, married 54 years.
“We had a date, I went home and said to my mom, ‘I will marry that guy!’ and she said, ‘Oh, he’s too young for you!’ He was 25, I was 23.” –Shirley Reeves
Ron and Shirley Reeves have been married for 54 years and live in a villa at The Village of Bedford Walk. They met when they lived near each other. They used to play checkers at his house and Shirley recalls a specific time when Ron won the match and she threw the board at him. He did not seem to mind too terribly, because they wound up going on a date. And the rest? Well, it is history—54 years of it.
Al and Bev Serota, married 59 years.
“He came to the door and I fell for him immediately.” –Bev Serota
Bev and Al met when her mother and his father set them up for a blind date with each other. He was older than her, and she said, “He came to the door and I fell for him immediately.” After the date, he asked her if they could go out again. She replied, “Any time for you.” The two celebrated a wedding anniversary on December 21st, and have now been married for 59 years.